This requires a global effort to stop or slow down global warming. We started this process, we began operating our technology by using fossil fuels to generate electricity for us. We continue to contribute to the efforts of the phenomenon of global warming and we burn the forest (the only thing that carbon from the atmosphere), to make room for more space for us. It is our responsibility to solve this problem. There are several things individuals can do as individuals to reduce their contribution to global warming.
Some ways to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and clear, others less well known. The obvious way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to reduce fossil fuel in the car while he was driving a car with low fuel consumption and purchase of hybrid cars, use cars and public transport, if possible, or not driving a car, or not. We have all heard the other hand, do not use a lot of energy in the home. Turn off lights and electronic devices when not in use. Transfer water heater less regulation. Wash clothes in cold water. Purchase of equipment energy efficiency. Lamps installed photovoltaic efficiency. To the house well insulated to save the climate in the summer and heating in winter. Installation of solar panels.
However, there may be some less-known ways you can save energy and reduce greenhouse gases. One way is to recycle. Recycling of products such as paper, plastic, cans and bottles saves a lot of energy. It takes much less energy to make products from recycled materials for the manufacture of this product from scratch. Therefore, when the recycling not only saves space in landfills, but you are limiting the use of energy, corresponding to carbon in the air.
Another little-known secret that the provision of energy is to link electronic devices are not in use. Even if you do not pay if plugged in, and development of electricity, even if it is turned off. Thus, the toaster to spend only 5 minutes in the morning, which is connected to your wall to measure today, directed energy all the time. Recommendation not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but will reduce the electricity bill as well.
I mean, people to create the phenomenon of global warming and our task is to clean it. I'm all of its responsibility to reduce carbon emissions. Bonus is that almost all the recommendations that would reduce carbon dioxide emissions also saves money. So, what do you do your home planet (and wallet)?
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